News 2018
Frankfurt Am Main, 17 April 2018
Travelling theatre PROtegni Raka will be performed for the first time on international stage
On April, 13th, 2018 Saalbau Gallus in Frankfurt Am Main welcomed the play of travelling theatre PROtegni Raka – Fallen leaves of faith over wild roads. Since its establishment in 2012, after more than 100 performances in 42 Bulgarian towns the play was presented abroad for the very first time. Charged with enthusiasm, our colleagues from different countries participated in the event preparation.
In the hall more than 400 guests strongly applauded not just the performance itself, but the mission we provide as well – being support for children with severe health conditions.
Guests of the event - Bulgarians, who lives in Frankfurt region, citizens and visitors of the city, were transferred to Haytov’s world. English subtitles accompanied the play for the convenience of the foreigners. Before and after the performance the guests enjoyed traditional Bulgarian wines, handmade home bread with honey and salt, and were able to buy a souvenir to remember the play – thematic T-shirts or book with the Haytov’s stories.
The raised donations from the event are in amount of EUR 7,000. The sum will be provided for medical treatment of the children, who seek support from PROtegni Raka.

Sofia, 3 April 2018
Travelling theatre PROtegni Raka will be performed for the first time on international stage
For the first time since its establishing in 2012, the travelling theatre PROtegni Raka will present its play “Fallen leaves of faith over wild roads” outside of Bulgaria. The project, in which bank employees coming on stage and embodying in different characters, has been presented in over 42 Bulgarian cities in front of thousands of viewers so far. "Fallen leaves of faith over wild roads" is the third play, adaptation by the stories of the great writer Nikolay Haytov, after "The Little Prince" and "Miracles, marvels or the wonderful world of fairy tales".
On April 13, 2018 at 19:00, the Bulgarian community in Frankfurt, citizens and guests of the city will have the opportunity to take a journey to the Haytov’s world. The play presents 3 of the writer's stories, bringing advices, which are still valid nowadays. This is the first performance for the initiative in front of Bulgarian community in abroad. All raised funds from the event will be used for the treatment of children who have turned for support to PROtegni Raka.
Charged with enthusiasm, ProCredit employees from other countries joined the project as well. The date is coming soon - April 13, 19:00, Saalbau Gallus hall! You can get invitations online at https://shumki-ot-vyara.protegniraka.bg/en/booking/. For the guests who do not speak Bulgarian, there will be subtitles in English and the children will be able to have fun in a playground while their parents enjoy the show.

Sofia, 31 March 2018
The raised funds from martenitsas will support Raya and Christian for having better childhood

For 13th year in the ProCredit Bank offices was held the charity initiative “Take a martenitsa – donate health to a child in need.” From the end of February until the beginning of March bank’s employees, companies and contributors donated funds to the children of PROtegni Raka, taking martenitsas – symbol of health and life. By these funds, a new wheelchair for 17-year-old Christian will be purchased, for whom this is the only way to have access out of his home and visit therapeutic centres. 7-year-old Raya will have the opportunity for further rehabilitation in the fight against the cerebral palsy, as well. For one more year the folk-custom to decorate each other with martenitsa helped the children in their fight against the serious diseases.

Sofia, 19 February 2018
Take a martenitsa – donate health to a child in need!

For one more year in all ProCredit Bank offices start the initiative – Take a martenitsa, donate health to a child in need. We have prepared the thematic white and red twisted woollen threads - a symbol of goodness, health and hope. From February, 21-st until the first days of March in every ProCredit Bank office across the country white-red martenitsa bracelets will be avaiable to all offices which purpose is to provide medical treatment to the children, who need support from PROtegni Raka. The price of 1 martenitsa is BGN 2.
Here we found some interesting facts about martenitsas:
- The single ladies are wearing the martenitsas on their right side, engaged - on the left side;
- Unmarried men are wearing the martenitsas with shaggy ends and married men are wearing the bracelet cutted up to the knot;
- At some regions, people call the week starting March 1, “The count of days” - they are predicting what the weather during the year will be. There is also another manner - choosing a day: everyone is choosing about a certain day until March 22 and knows what the year will be - if it is sunny, it will be successful; if it rains and weather is bad - there will be difficulties;
- We should take off our martenitsas when we see tree with blossoms, stork or swallow. We can tie it to a flowering orchard tree or to put it under a stone. It could be throw out in the river and let all negatives go out with the water.

Sofia, 26 January 2018
125 children received support from PROtegni Raka in 2017

For 12 consecutive years PROtegni Raka follows its mission to provide donations for the treatment of children from families with financial difficulties or orphans. In 2017 we received 135 requests from all over the country and 125 children received funds and support for the fight with their serious diseases. With the donated funds were provided therapies, medicines, surgeries and assistive devices, which are not covered by State’s funds and the children’s families cannot afford them.
Our mission to donate piece of health to our little friends continues in the present 2018. The initiative is open all the year and can be approached by parents of children with health problems or representatives of centres for family-type accommodation for children without parents. They can apply in every office of the bank by submitting documents certifying the medical status of the child and the social status of the family.
Funds are collected by ProCredit Bank employees’ volunteer donations, followers of the initiative and incomes from charity events in support of the cause. In June 2017 started the new play of travelling theatre PROtegni Raka – Fallen leaves of faith over wild roads, which already has been presented in 15 towns and collected funds during the plays have been donated to children looking for support from PROtegni Raka.
Everyone can join the mission of PROtegni Raka as a contributor with donation to following bank accounts:
BG05 PRCB 9230 1007 0929 10 – in BGN,
BG46 PRCB 9230 1407 0929 15 – in EUR.
Charity Fund PROtegni Raka.
With responsibility to both contributors and children in need, PROtegni Raka publishes monthly on its site reports for the use of the raised funds.

Varna, 9 January 2018
Milena Staykova gave as a present her birthday party to the children of PROtegni Raka

On January 6-th 2018 in Varna Mrs. Milena Staykova, partner in Ecoprint Glass Ltd. and supporter of PROtegni Raka, celebrated her anniversary. More than 60 guests came to the party – relatives, friends and business partners. Instead of gifts and flowers for her birthday the hostess invited guests to make a donation which to be used for support of medical treatment at least for one disabled child. During the event a gift box and annual booklets were available for the guests, which provided information for the achievements of PROtegni Raka during the last year.
All guest were happy to catch the idea of Mrs. Staykova and collected during the evening BGN 3, 220 will be provided for the treatment for 3 children, looking for support from PROtegni Raka.
On behalf of all volunteers and parents of supported children, we are grateful to Milena Staykova and her guests for the initiative. We hope the goodness is contagious and we will meet more partners who successfully intertwine personal and professional activities with charity.

News 2017
Sofia, 31 August 2017
PROtegni Raka published its Annual Bulletin for 2016
In the beginning of September the charity initiative of ProCredit Bank,PROtegni Raka, published its Annual Bulletin on the 2016. The publication contains information about the charity events, the allocated donations as well as some of the children who received support.
PROtegni Raka was founded in 2004 by ProCredit employees. For more than 13 years it has supported children with various disabilities who live in disadvantaged social position. Among the frequent conditions for which PROtegni Raka provides funds are cerebral palsy, autism, hearing impairment, operations, and motor impairment. The association grants financing for therapy, medications, operations and assistive devices, which are not provided by the state health service.
The initiative is ongoing all the year round and it can be approached by parents of children with health problems or representatives of centres for family-type accommodation for children without parents. These can apply in every office of the bank submitting documents certifying the medical status of the child and the social status of the family. In 2016 the allocated funds totaled BGN 148 thousand. They supported the treatment of 159 children across the country. The contributors were employees of ProCredit Bank, clients of the bank and guests to the events organised by PROtegni Raka.
The funds raised through periodical donations and events are entirely granted to children with health conditions. By the end of this past August, 87 children with various disabilities have received support.
The Annual Bulletin of PROtegni Raka is available on hard copy in all offices of ProCredit Bank and in electronic format it is available on the PROtegni Raka website, www.protegniraka.bg.
With responsibility to both contributors and children in need, PROtegni Raka makes monthly publications on its site, reporting on the use of the raised funds.
You can, too, join the mission of PROtegni Raka as a contributor by making a transfer in the following bank accounts:
BG05 PRCB 9230 1007 0929 10 - in BGN,
BG46 PRCB 9230 1407 0929 15 - in EUR.
Account holder - PROtegni Raka Non-profit Association

Sofia, 15 June 2017
On June 28, we go again on stage in Sofia with the performance “Fallen Leaves of Faith over Wild Roads”
The new play of the PROtegni Raka Travelling Theatre “Fallen Leaves of Faith over Wild Roads” made its start on 7 June with its premiere at Satirical Theatre. ProCredit employees from various departments in the roles of Haytov’s charcters attracted hundreds of viewers – clients and partners of the bank, supporters of the cause and children we have helped. The theatre, brimming with positive emotions and excitement, turned out to be too small to host all willing to attend. This is why we are coming up with another performance in Sofia – the date is 28 June, the place is Theatre Bulgarian Army, the time – 19:00.
Thus we will be able to have all friends who support the PROtegni Raka mission and take them to the times of Haytov’s people reviving the legacy of our ancestors that is actual these days, too.
Take your invitation at any office of ProCredit Bank in Sofia or book the invitation on tel. *7000. We promise a great evening for you and the chance to support disabled children in the treatment they need.
The results from the start of the play “Fallen Leaves of Faith over Wild Roads” amount to: countless unforgettable moments, 655 viewers and 10,000 levs donated for the medical treatment of 10 disadvantaged children.
The tour of the troupe will begin with performances in Sliven, Haskovo, Dobrich and Burgas. The play will visit more than 50 towns across the country. You can keep track of the programme on the website of “Fallen Leaves of Faith over Wild Roads”.
You are welcome!

Sofia, 25 May 2017
You are welcome to the premiere performance of our new play “Fallen Leaves of Faith over Wild Roads”!
Where are we going to? Along whose roads? What do we believe in? Do we have time to linger and think?
Once again, charged with inexhaustible energy, the amateur actors, employees of ProCredit Bank, come on stage for a charity performance of the play “Fallen Leaves of Faith over Wild Roads”, proving that with love and faith a lot can be achieved, especially when they are sincere and driven by a noble cause.
Embodying the characters from the stories of Nikolay Haytov, they will take us back to the recent past, and in their dedication to the mission to support the treatment of children with serious health conditions they will tour the whole country performing in the new play of the PROtegni Raka Travelling Theatre.
The success of the first two plays, performed over 100 times on stages throughout Bulgaria, the full theatre houses and the love which we received from the most honest audience, the children, have inspired us to continue our voluntary and charitable activity by way of PROtegni Raka Travelling Theatre. The funds raised from invitations for the performances are used to support the Association by the same name, which for almost 14 years and without useless flash and fanfare, has incessantly supported and financed the treatment of poor children with serious health conditions.
Now we would like to present to you our third play, created after Nikolay Haytov’s stories “Roman Clay Pot”, “Roads” and “Test”.
The beginning is launched – the premiere performance is on 7 June 2017 at 19:30 at Satirichen Theatre in Sofia. You can get invitations at ProCredit Bank Head Office in Sofia, 26, Todor Aleksandrov Blvd. or make reservations on Tel. *7000 (at the price of one local call).
You are welcome!

Sofia, 5 April 2017 3 children with different disabilities got support from the initiative “Take a martenitsa – donate health to a child in need”
For one more year the initiative “Take a martenitsa – donate health to a child in need.” was held in the offices of ProCredit Bank across the country. For three weeks bank’s employees, companies and people with big hearts supported the PROtegni Raka cause. They donated amounts in support of children with disabilities, taking lots of martenitsas for their families and friends.
The collected amount from the campaign is BGN 2,292 and has been donated in support of Martin Radoychev, Nikolay Vulchev and Angelina Kalinova – three children with severe diseases – Autism, Cerebral Palsy and Cystic Fibrosis. With the donated funds specific therapies and an inhaler were provided for them. So the tradition to give each other martenitsas supported the children in their fight against serious diseases.

Sofia, 13 February 2017
Take a martenitsa – donate health to a child in need!
Spring is coming, and with it - Baba Marta, a symbol of kindness, health and hope. So, for the twelfth time we are starting again our initiative “Take a martenitsa, donate health to a child in need”. Every year the raised funds from the Martenitsa Bazaar support therapies for several children from families with financial difficulties.
From February 20th until March 5th everyone can join the cause and become a donor by purchasing a Martenitsa from ProCredit Bank’s offices across the country. The donated funds will be used for children with severe disabilities, who sought support from PROtegni Raka. Through different events and periodic payments in 2016, which we joined in, we provided therapy for 159 children across the country. This is why we believe that everyone with a small contribution can help a lot a child in need.

News Archive 2016
Sofia, 30 December 2016
In 2016 we lent a hand to 159 disabled children
During the whole 2016 the PROtegni Raka Association continued to develop its mission in support of disabled children from low-income families. Throughout the year we received 174 requests and gave out charity funds for the treatment of 159 children throughout the country. According to their condition, funds were provided for them, which were used for the purchase of supporting devices, surgeries, therapies and medicines. We helped the improvement of the conditions of kids with cerebral palsy, autism, diabetes, brain and muscular disabilities.
A lot of charity events were held in support of the children. The year ended with one of them – Christmas Bazaar. Employees of the bank presented handmade Christmas souvenirs and the collected amount from the event will be used for treatment of our little friends.
In 2017 the mission of PROtegni Raka will continue to support disabled children. The charity funds are coming from voluntary monthly payments of ProCredit Bank’s employees, as well as from contributors who support the PROtegni Raka mission. Everyone could join the cause as donor by one-off or periodic donations to the Association’s bank accounts:
BG05 PRCB 9230 1007 0929 10 - BGN,
BG46 PRCB 9230 1407 0929 15 - EUR.
All incoming donations are used in favor of disabled children. The Association will continue publishing its monthly reports on the raised and allocated funds.

Sofia, 1 August 2016
PROtegni Raka published its Annual Bulletin for 2015
At the beginning of August the PROtegni Raka non-profit association published its Annual Bulletin, which outlines the activities of the association throughout the year. The booklet contains information on the charity events, the donated funds and also presents some of the children which received support from the association.
Founded in 2004 by the employees of ProCredit Bank, the association has been donating funds for medical treatment to children with various conditions for more than 12 years. Among the most common cases in which PROtegni Raka has donated funds are cerebral palsy, autism, hearing loss and mobility disabilities. The parents of children with health issues can apply for support at any office of the bank throughout the whole year.
The association distributed donations amounting to BGN 122 thousand, covering the treatment and purchasing assistive devices for 157 children across the country. The funds are raised through monthly donations from the ProCredit Bank employees and the sponsors of the charity fund – clients of the bank and guests to the events organized by PROtegni Raka.
PROtegni Raka never stops doing its charity activity. By the end of June the association has approved support for treatment of 91 children, which is 10 children more than for the first half of 2015.
The Annual Bulletin on the activity of PROtegni Raka is available on paper copy at all offices of ProCredit Bank and you can read it online here.
With responsibility both to the supporters and to the children in need, PROtegni Raka provides transparent monthly information on the use of the donated funds.
Those who wish to receive automatically info bulletins for the activities of "PROtegni Raka" can subscribe by sending request to email: Elitsa.Koleva@procreditbank.bg

Sofia, 15 June 2016
The Smehorancheta have dedicated their new album to children with disabilities
The Sofia University Ceremonial Hall was the venue for the promotional concert of the Smehorancheta vocal formation on the 8th of June 2016. The young talents, aged between 3 and 13, and their manager Galya Kodzhamanova presented their new album “The seasons of the Smehorancheta” dedicating the evening show to the children with disabilities, who had turned to PROtegni Raka for help.
Over 200 guests attended the event, among them were present friends and relatives of the young singers as well as the authors of their new songs. In its 25 years’ history the group has 12 albums with children’s songs, numerous local and international prizes and a lot of friends among young and already grown up singers.
The Smehorancheta gave their audience great mood and the collected donations will secure the medical treatment of several children with disabilities. The funds raised amount to BGN 1 027 which will entirely be dedicated for medical treatment. Thanks to all who support the PROtegni Raka, the Fund has considered 86 applications for children with different medical conditions. The funds raised for their treatment exceed BGN 60 000.
Sofia, 26 May 2016
The Smehorancheta will sing for the children of PROtegni Raka

Dear friends of PROtegni Raka,
Summer is getting near and we are ready to give you good mood and a lot of smiles. Therefore, we would like to invite all little and already grown up children to the promotion concert for the new album of the children’s vocal formation Smehorancheta – “The seasons of the Smehorancheta”.
The little smiley singers support the cause of PROtegni Raka and make good friends with the children with disabilities. They will donate the promotion concert for their new music album in support of disabled children. All collected funds from the invitations will be used to improve the health condition of disadvantaged children.
Come along and let’s enjoy one unforgettable evening full of fun and summer spirit.
Place: The Ceremonial Hall of Sofia University
Date: 8th June 2016 – 19:30 h.
You can get your invitation from every office of ProCredit Bank in Sofia or get it immediately before the event at the Ceremonial Hall of Sofia University. The price for one invitation is BGN 10.
Sofia, 30 March 2016
Grandma Marta provides therapy for 4 children with disabilities
For the 11th consecutive year at the offices of ProCredit Bank across the country, was held the charity initiative "Take a martenitsa - donate health to a child in need." From the end of February to beginning of March many donors participated, purchasing the red and white bracelets in support of the cause of PROtegni Raka. The collected amount is BGN 3 663 and will be used for the therapy of four children, suffering of autism and cerebral palsy.
With donations participated Bank employees, as well clients served in offices who supports the charitable cause. So the Martenitsa - symbol of health, supported those children in their fight against serious diseases.
Plovdiv, 24 March 2016
Kristina Zongova – “Good must be shared”
I’m Kristina Zongova, mother of two and I’m both dedicated to my job and the good deeds. I’ve been in ProCredit Bank since its establishment, i.e. ever since 2002 when I started working in Plovdiv, Brezovska office. At the moment my position is Expert Banking Services and I’m part of the Plovdiv – Ivan Vazov team. In 2004, when the idea came out, I immediately joined it, without any hesitation or much thought. I did it for the sake of the idea, for the cause. Doing good gives me new strength and energy.
You’ve been a supporter of PROtegni Raka since its beginning. Tell us about the way things happened then. How you did you decide to start this fund and how did you choose the cause of helping children?
Kristina: I remember colleagues had got together in Sofia; there was this request for help – a child, Victoria, had problems with her eyes and she needed to be operated on, but the parents couldn’t afford it. This is how it all started – she was the first child of the fund. The colleagues and I raised the money and donated it for the operation. A couple of days later the parents came to express their gratitude and said that the operation had been successful. The second child, Simona from Gabrovo, had also an eye problem – a cataract, and the fund managed to help her, too, donating the money for the operation.
Thus we decided this was going to be our good mission – to donate funds for treatment of children from disadvantaged families. We got together drawn by the idea to carry on and develop the good deeds, so we established an association, the aim of which was to help the medical treatment of such children. The first donators were colleagues, and ProCredit Bank as an institution. Now, 12 years later, we already have the support of many of the bank’s clients and people not related to the bank, who share our cause. We have a long list of children coming from different parts of the country who we have helped.
You have been working for the PROtegni Raka cause all these years. What did the experience teach you?
Kristina: You feel the real things with your heart and you follow it. I’ve learned that good must be shared, that you should approach problems as challenges and that you should believe in what you do.
Do you take part in the various charity initiatives which take place in support of PROtegni Raka?
Kristina: I do because I like them. My contribution to PROtegni Raka doesn’t end with donating the regular monthly amount. Our events are positive; we present our cause to clients and friends outside the bank with a smile. We give them our smiles, positive mood and the belief that they can help a child in need.
Going back in time I remember publishing the book “In the Kitchen of ProCredit”. The book was a success; recently I sold the last copies to clients who bought them for Christmas gifts. Later they told us they hadn’t just read a cookery book, but a book of many shared stories, good humour and love. But, most of all, they were happy that buying the book they had helped children in need.
I was involved in the organization of the two theatre performances when they were on at the Antique Theatre in Plovdiv. My part was to invite viewers, to tell them that, apart from being bank employees, the participants in the play are also people giving 100% of their hope and talent. I believe they are as good as professional actors.
The truth is that when a project like the theatre tours the towns, it wouldn’t have the same success if it weren’t for you, who spread the information about the news broadly enough.
Kristina: That’s right, we all pitch in and we’re happy to do it. We invite guests to the event telling them how we help children and how they can help. At the same time we give away a fairy tale performance instead of burdening them with specific stories about severe children’s problems, yet we believe we can do something good for these children. This makes people accept our invitation. The events themselves are extremely exciting and quite memorable. The emotions linger on long after and some of the guests keep asking when the play will be shown again in town. The good news is that in the beginning of 2016 the theatre troupe will be again in Plovdiv with the play “Miracles, Marvels or the Wonderful World of Fairy Tales” and we are already inviting guests to the event.
You share the PROtegni Raka mission with clients and acquaintances outside the bank. How do you approach them?
Kristina: I love talking about the fund to make it more popular. Of course, I take in consideration the particular situation and if the person across is open to such talk. When I feel they could be interested, I speak from my heart about what we do, even when I only have a couple of minutes. When the conversation is sincere and not intrusive, without hopes and expectations, the people respond and are eager to join in for the sake of the good deed. What is leading is, of course, trust. It’s important that actions are transparent, without unnecessary complications, and that everyone can trace what the donated funds have been used for.
Apart from contributor you also communicate with a lot of parents of children in need…
Kristina: PRotegni Raka has its two sides – the donors and those who need support. I have no problems accepting requests from parents of children who need medical treatment. I know how they are feeling, because I have been in a similar situation myself – one of my two kids needed an operation in the first year of her life. Fortunately, we could afford the operation abroad, but every parent has a really hard time going through a problem like this, having the strength to move on to help their child. I’m happy our story ended well, as if it was a dynamic fairy tale with a happy end.
I had been part of PROtegni Raka before this challenge, but it made me even stronger and more confident – I believe I could not only help my child, but many other children as well. I also help parents sharing my experience – when I can spare their time for finding the exact doctors, hospital, all that’s needed. I hope this fairy tale holds true for all sick children - in a way this is up to all of us, let us be their good heroes. Supporting them isn’t a matter of money only – what also counts is the time and the response to people’s problems. I believe the children parents will also share their experience with others, who have their problems.
What gives you the greatest satisfaction?
Kristina: The greatest gratification I get is when I see the smile of the child, who the parents have brought to us. The chance to have been able to make children feel better, to make their days brighter, more beautiful… So that children can think about games.
We take for granted a lot of things which these children lack – to be able to walk, to hear and see, to live normally. But not everyone had an even start at their birth, and unfortunately, doesn’t have what we take for granted. Quite often, only when we come across such problems, do we start thinking about them. So my appeal is to talk about such problems, to be aware of them and not to hide from them, just because they’re serious or we’re afraid of them. When we put our hearts into something, it works out fine.
It’s up to us to help disabled children have a happier childhood.
Sofia, 15 February 2016
Тake a martenitsa - be a contributor to a child in need!
For another year the employees of ProCredit Bank launched the charity initiative in support of PROtegni Raka - "Take a martenitsa, donate health and hope to a child in need." The traditional annual event provides donations in support for few children from poor families.
In the period from 15 February to 5 March everyone can join the cause of the Fund and become a contributor by purchasing of martenitsa from the bank branches throughout the country. 100% of donated funds will be used for the treatment of children with various diseases, sought the support from Protegni Raka.
"The Martenitsa is a symbol of health and hope, so by this gesture we turning back the smiles to the children who don’t dreaming for expensive toys, just want to have a healthy childhood." - This is the message from volunteers of PROtegni Raka.

Silistra, 3 February 2016
A conversation with Rosi and Kremi from Silistra … or, the way hope can have no limits
We’d like to present to you Rosi and Kremi, two girls who will meet you at the ProCredit Bank office in Silistra. They have worked in a tandem since 2007, treating with consideration everything which their job or working day deals out. In this brief conversation they tell us about their dedication to PROtegni Raka (Lend a Hand) and about the ways in which they help the children and believe in the good cause.
Rosi and Kremi, you are among the most active champions of PROtegni Raka. What is this cause to you?
Rositsa: PROtegni Raka to me is not just part of my job; it’s a cause which bears in itself the notions of Good…, Struggle…, Charity…, Purpose…, Achievement…, Faith…
Kremena: I’m happy I can contribute to the PROtegni Raka mission. Being able to help the medical treatment of children in need gives me strength and positivism every day. The aim is not that difficult to achieve – all you need is faith… Which we have …
Tell us about the children of the region that you help:
Rositsa: Lending a hand to a sick child is what brings out the human in us, it makes us reassess our lives again and again. We have helped children from the region with various health conditions. Now we’re friends with these children and their parents, we’re happy about their achievements no matter how small or big they are.
Kremena: Everyone has their own purpose when doing good and mine is to see the smiles on children’s faces. Like those of Zlatomir, who received more rehabilitation hours and of Miroslav, who already has his hearing aid and is developing his speech – they are just two of the children in Silistra, who we have helped. These children’s smiles, they give meaning to everything we do at the fund.
Rositsa: This satisfaction is the prize for a job well done. This is our motivation to go on!
Tell us about the success of the PROtegni Raka Travelling Theatre in Silistra:
Rositsa: It’s just great that we have a different form for popularization of our cause, I mean the PROtegni Raka Travelling Theatre. We have been hosts of the two fairy-tale performances – “The Little Prince” and “Miracles, Marvels or the Wonderful World of Fairy Tales”. One of the morals fairy tales have given me is that good deeds turn what is ugly into something beautiful. I can see this message in the plays, which our colleagues perform around the country. I can see miracles happening today, when people get the support they need.
Kremena: Rosi and I took the challenge to have a full house at our Drama Theatre in Silistra when on the day of the performance. We wanted to prove that miracles can happen any time and not only during holidays and that everybody can pitch in. We invited clients, friends, acquaintances, company representatives from the region, teachers and children from the local schools. We extended our warmest welcome to them and they were happy to come. And the miracle happened – almost 300 attended our event, supported our cause and some of them have been supporting us ever since.
Tell us about the support. How do you make it happen?
Rositsa: We aren’t shy when we talk with our clients about PROtegni Raka, so we find supporters among them. Some buy souvenirs from the fund, other contribute with one-off or monthly donations. The donated amount is not what counts most. It’s about doing it with your heart, because small deeds can change the world for the better. I’m happy when I meet compassion and concern about what we are doing – together we manage to help, we want to bring back the smiles on the faces of the children who have sought the support of PROtegni Raka.
Kremena: You know, goodness is inherently embedded in each of us and we only need a small effort to learn how to share it. When we join our efforts, we all have the mighty power to help those in real need.
May we be the good example for our children!
News Archive 2015
Sofia, 30 December 2015
Two festive events in December gathered BGN 2 143
donations for the children of PROtegni Raka

In the last month in 2015 were held two traditional events that the employees of ProCredit Bank again supported the cause of PROtegni Raka.
On December 7-th, was held the annual edition of the culinary event "The big greediness" which opened the holidays season. Besides the pleasure of hand-made goodies, this year were nominated bankers in the categories "Pro-Chef" and "Pro-Glutton".
The event also launches the traditional Christmas Bazaar, where was offered variety of unique Christmas themed souvenirs and gifts. The bazaar was held in Sofia, Plovdiv and Montana. Participation took as well students from The school "Pilot Hristo Toprakchiev" – town of Bozhurishte, who made notable Christmas stars for the cause of PROtegni Raka.
Collected donations from both events amounted to BGN 2 143 and will be used to help children who received support of PROtegni Raka.

Sofia, 23 December 2015
2016 starts with miracles and marvels in the Sofia University ceremonial hall
The new year started promising for children, sought the support of PROtegni Raka. Very early – at January 7th, the theater team of bank employees coming on the stage in the ceremonial hall of the Alma Mater to gives miracles to the little and big.
Inspired to help to more children, the PROtegni Raka volunteers open the fourth season of “Miracles, Marvels or the Wonderful World of Fairy tales.” And by the first half of the year has plans to visit more than 20 towns around the country with the fairy staging.
Until now, the traveling troupe has collected over BGN 130 thousands donations, which are used for the treatment of more than 150 children with various diseases.
The tour starts in 2016 from Sofia and in January will visit Sevlievo and Gorna Oryahovitsa.
So welcome to enjoy the enchanting atmosphere of Andersen's fairy tales! Bring your friends! Invitations can get on the place before the event.
The place: Ceremonial hall of the Sofia University
The date: 7 January 2016 (Thursday)
Time: 19:00
Recommended donation of an invitation: BGN 10
The mood: Guaranteed
Let’s together lend hands to the children in need!

Sofia, 9 November 2015
Chef for a day - Halloween purchased a NMES device for a PROtegni Raka child.
On October 30th, in the offices of ProCredit Bank, the traditional culinary event “Chef for a day” was held and this time it was inspired by Halloween. Bank employees with various positions prepared "scary" goodies in the name of two causes - to treat their colleagues and to support the cause of PROtegni Raka. The culinary house "100 grama sladki " (100 grams of sweets) joined the event donating a great thematic cake for the charity cause. 
The interest in the event was huge and within a few hours colleagues donated money for the offered treats, so BGN 650 went into the PROtegni Raka account. This amount was used for the purchase of a NMES device for the 3-years-old Bozhidar Sapundzhiev from the town of Dobrich, who has obstetric paralysis of his left hand and whose parents had sought support from the fund.
The event showed that it is not takes a lot of effort to turn the smiles back where they belong - on the children's faces.

Sofia, 1 July 2015
PROtegni Raka published its annual activity report for 2014
Charity organization PROtegni Raka published the activity report during the past 2014. Edition contains information about the association, held charity initiatives as well as information on how many children have been funded during the year. Over time, the cause of PROtegni Raka joined as donors and clients of ProCredit Bank - individuals and legal entities. Together with these volunteers were able to help more children to have a healthy and happy childhood.
With responsibility both to donors and to children in need, the association will continue to provide transparent manner periodic information on the use of donated funds.
The annual report of the association PROtegni Raka is available on booklet in all branches of ProCredit Bank. In digital format, please find it here.
Those who wish to receive automatically info bulletins for the activities of "PROtegni Raka" can subscribe by sending request to email: Elitsa.Koleva@procreditbank.bg

Plovdiv, 30 June 2015
Over BGN 25 000 donations gathered "Miracles, marvels or the wonderful world of fairy tales" in Plovdiv.
On June 10 the play "Miracles, marvels or the wonderful world of fairy tales" played on the scene of the Antique Theatre in Plovdiv. The bad weather doesn’t scared more than 2500 visitors who had come especially for the charity show. Thanks to them, donations collected by the spectacle amounted to BGN 25 732.
By the initiative traveling theater, PROtegni Raka find more new followers who support the cause of the association. Since the beginning of the tour in October 2014 until now, the play is presented in over 23 cities to more than 10 thousand guests. Donations exceed BGN 105 000.
Real joy of each play with their presence are the special guests - children who have received support from the fund over the years. With smiles they give even greater confidence in the cause and development of "PROtegni Raka." All collected amounts are used for children who have sought the support of the association.
Touring of travelling theater "Miracles, marvels or the wonderful world of fairy tales" continues throughout the country. Expect the play in your city!

Sofia, 7 May 2015
„Discovering Agreetha“ – Tedy Ruth presented her book in support of the PROtegni Raka cause
On April 29 in the Head Office of ProCredit Bank the book “Discovering Agreetha” was presented by its author Tedy Ruth. The event was held in support of the PROtegni Raka cause as part of the Art Eves Project and was welcomed by employees of ProCredit Bank and supporters of PROtegni Raka. Special guests of the event were the students of 18th Secondary School “William Gladstone”.
Teddy Ruth was presented by the writer Emil Andreev and her publisher Afrodita Peeva. They spoke about the message of the book, shared their stories and thoughts about writing and answered questions of the audience. All guests who bought the book had it signed by Tedy Ruth. Half of the proceedings from the book were donated to the children of the Fund. The event raised BGN 480, which will be used for the treatment of disadvantaged children.

Radomir, 3 April 2015
„The little prince“ will continue its mission to share children's smiles
On March 31 in Radomir was held kid’s literally marathon, whose emphasis was “The little prince” – the same one, who for two years was able to tour the country and to help children who sought support from "PROtegni Raka." The reading took place on the square where children from theater troupe came into the roles of the work of Exupery and they read passages from the book. Their friends, inspired also took books in hands and stood front of the microphone to read short excerpts of interesting books.
The event was organized by the Mayor of Radomir municipality and public lyceum “Napredak – 1895”. They sent their message, expressed in a phrase from the book "The reading Man" of Georgi Gospodinov: “ Why should I read? Well, it is like asking why you need to dream. You should not. Just dreaming. Reading man but carried an invisible work on taste. A man with a taste harder it becomes sneaker, not least because it is ugly. Reading man is a beautiful person.”
The kids of theater troupe of the lyceum will have the opportunity to develop their acting skills, using props from the play "The Little Prince". “PROtegni Raka” do unpaid donation of the troupe, led by faith in goodness and strength of the child smile.
“The little prince” was the first play of the initiative travelling theatre “PROtegni Raka”. It’s starts at 2012 and was able to help over 160 children to receive the necessary medicines and specialized tools. Now the initiative continues, but with new play “Miracles, Marvels or the wonderful world of fairy tales”. For the colleagues from the theater troupe sets, costumes and props of "The Little Prince" are symbols of goodness and hope. It was therefore decided to support children's theater troupe to Public Lyceum "Napredak - 1895". Thereby "The Little Prince" to continue to donate children's smiles, but this time by children for children.

Sofia, 11 March 2015
„Chef for a day“ – the delicious initiative of „PROtegni Raka“ with second birthday
On March 9, at the offices of ProCredit Bank throughout the country was held the tasty challenge “Chef for a day”. In “ladies” March, the event turned 2 years since its establishment and was held under the slogan “Housewife for a day”.
In the challenge were involved bank employees from different cities around the country. They rolled up their sleeves and showed what kind of culinary masterpieces are capable in the kitchen. As take turns sunny and cloudy weather in March, so took turns sweet and salty delicacies – from exotic salads, by hand-made pies to strawberries with chocolate. Besides entertainment, the event contributed to collect funds for the children of “PROtegni Raka” – to the account was received BGN 341 donations.

Sofia, 6 March 2015
“The great knitting 2015” – take a martenitsa, donate health and hope to a child
In the last week of February and beginning of March at the offices of ProCredit Bank was held a charity martenitsa bazaar titled “The great knitting – take a martenitsa, donate health and hope to a child.” The initiative of the occasion of March 1 is carry annually through 10 years ago, the funds it received in the account of “PROtegni Raka” for the treatment of children.
Leaded by the charitable cause, in the bazaar participated bank employees from different cities who personally spun and sold their white-red creations. So the tradition of decorating with martenitsas for health and hope once again contribute with funds, which will bring smiles on children's faces.

Sofia, 13 February 2015
Starting the new season 2015 of the play “Miracles, Marvels or the wonderful world of fairy tales”
In February travelling theater “PROtegni Raka” goes around the country to presents the play “Miracles, Marvels or the wonderful world of fairy tales” in the new season of 2015. On 24 February, the play will be presented on the stage of Visual Hall of Yambol Municipality and on 26-th will bring joy to people of Gabrovo at Public Lyceum "Aprilov - Palauzov 1861".
The charity play started with a great interest in October 2014 and was presented in Sofia, Dobrich, Haskovo, Stara Zagora, Veliko Tarnovo, Blagoevgrad and Pernik. The performance was played in front of over 4000 visitors in cities and till now succeeded in collecting donations for the fund in excess of BGN 45 000. The raised funds are used for the treatment of sick children from poor families or orphans.
In March are forthcoming more performances in Pomorie, Botevgrad, Pravetz and Sliven, and then in the other cities in the country. Invitations can be found in the offices of ProCredit Bank in the city, and on place before the play. More about upcoming shows you can find here.

Sofia, 30 January 2015
Mariana Popova sang charitable for the children "PROtegni Raka"
On January 28, 2015 at Sofia was held a charity concert of Mariana Popova for the mission of Fund “PROtegni Raka”. Event was hosted by club “Tiffany”, where more than 150 people enjoyed the sensual performances of the music star.
The surprise of the evening was the young violinist Dessislava Kondeva that duet with Mariana performed some of her best-loved songs. The guests were especially impressed when the star performed the song of Emil Dimitrov – “If you have given”. She devoted this song of the mission of the fund.
Mariana didn’t hide her emotion to be part of the associates of Fund “PROtegni Raka” as completely gratuitously and charitable participates with her concerts and albums in support of the cause.
Collected donations from the concert amounted to BGN 2578, which will be used for the treatment of children of unequal status.

Sofia, 20 January 2015
Charity concert of Mariana Popova for kids of “PROtegni Raka”
Dear customers and supporters of Fund „PROtegni Raka“,
At the end of January we would like to invite you to enjoy pop and latin rhythms with Mariana Popova live in the pleasant atmosphere of the club Tiffany! Committed to the cause to help in the treatment of disadvantaged children, the famous Bulgarian artist will do a charity concert for the non-profit organization "PROtegni Raka”. The amount collected from the invitations and her albums can get for donations during the concert, will be used entirely for the children of the fund. Our host for the event again is Tiffany Club, which also grant inferior their stage.
Make a gift for you and your friends with few unforgettable hours with the music of Mariana Popova. She is one of the brightest and talented Bulgarian singers - winner of many awards for Bulgarian music, represent our country at "Eurovision", and mentor in competitions for young musical talents.
You can get invitations at any office of ProCredit Bank at Sofia and Pernik. We believe that the funds, collected from the concert of Mariana Popova will help of more children have a happy childhood.
The place: TIFFANY club, 12-14 Denkoglu str., Sofia
Date and time: 28.01.2015, (Wednesday), 19.00 h.
Amount of invitation: BGN 10.

News Archive 2014
Sofia, 8 December 2014.
BGN 817 had been received at “PROtegni Raka” after “The big eating contest - 2014”
This year again at the offices of ProCredit Bank was held the annual event “The big eating contest” whereby employees celebrated the Day of St. Nikola and Banker’s holiday. Each year keen chefs from the bank branches around the country prepare their favorite dishes that sell for charity. The event was held on December 8 at the offices in Sofia, Plovdiv, Blagoevgrad, Varna, Dobrich and other cities. Culinary contest passed merrily, as employees were in two teams - those of cooking and those of sensory colleagues. Among the goodies was homemade cake with wishes for health and hope, Mexican specialties, Christmas stolen and other homemade treats. The event gathered BGN 817, donated to the account of “PROtegni Raka”.
The funds, raised from the already traditional event, will be used for the treatment of sick children descended from families in the lowest income bracket. “The big eating contest” is the one of the charitable initiatives of employees of ProCredit Bank, that are held several times a year.

Sofia, 24 October 2014.
Premiere of the new travelling play by “PROtegni Raka” – “Miracles, Marvels or the Wonderful World of Fairy Tales”
At the beginning of November on stage comes a new play entirely charitable mission. Instead of professional actors, however, the roles of the play “Miracles, Marvels or the Wonderful World of Fairy Tales” will reincarnate bank employees of ProCredit Bank. The premiere will be on 4.11.2014y at 19:00h in Open Stage Theatre (Salza i smyah), situated in Sofia. They plan to tour with the show more than 30 Bulgarian cities, where local theatres will enjoy young and old.
The cause of “PROtegni Raka” is through donations from employees, customers and friends to help in the treatment of sick children from poor families or orphans. In support of this noble mission two years ago was born the idea of the traveling theater and saw the beginning of the play “The Little Prince”.
After two successful seasons of “The Little Prince”, 49 performances in 42 cities in the country, the initiative raised more than BGN 160 000 donations.
The second piece of the initiative of lay actors – “Miracles, Marvels or the Wonderful World of Fairy Tales” is an adaptation of the one of the most beloved fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen. Their lessons remain relevant even today. Actors choose to put them just because they want to make their message of kindness and sympathy for the pain of others.
The troupe will start with a pre-tour of the country, to raise donations. Invitations to the premiere can be found at any office of ProCredit Bank, and on spot before the play. More forthcoming performances in Stara Zagora, Haskovo and then end of the year and in other cities. More about upcoming performances can found

Sofia, 18 August 2014
Youngsters and adults drew t-shirts for charity
On the stand of ProCredit Bank, on Prirotska Street, young and adult admirers of applied arts participated in a fundraising campaign for “PROtegni raka”.
More than 50 visitors of the festival created their own t-shirt design and thus they helped our charity cause. Planes, flowers, sea inhabitants and artistic impressions were the most frequently drawn designs.
In the end of the day the amount of BGN 560 was transferred into the account of “PROtegni raka”.

Sofia, 20 July 2014
A new artistic initiative gathers funds for children in need
A competition under the motto “Create a card or paper flowers – lighten up the day of a loved one” was held within ProCredit Bank.
The initiative, which in addition to his artistic nature is also charitable, has gathered a series of beautiful creations inspired by the idea of celebration and the message of hope which the Fund "PROtegni raka" brings.
From a total of 40 cards, 3 were awarded, printed and distributed in the branch network of the bank to be given to employees and customers who want to make a donation in non-profit association "PROtegni raka", whose mission is to support children`s treatment.

Sofia, 29 June 2014
Donations for "PROtegni raka" after a unique concert of Lufthansa Technik
A unique music concert took place at Sofia Airport on June 29. The symphony orchestra of the employees of Lufthansa Technik presented "Music in the Sky" with the special appearance of Beloslava and Zivko Petrov’s Band. During the concert volunteers "PROtegni raka" raise money for the fund. Many admires of good music donated for raising funds for children of the fund.
As a result, after the concert BGN 366,71 were installed into the account of "PROtegni raka".

Sofia, 13 June 2014
Charity online sale of souvenirs gathered BGN 2315 to help children
The first charity online sale of souvenirs from three continents had an enormous success. Among the variety of beautiful objects that were offered were pictures, panels, masks, statues, musical instruments, and many others representing the art of the ProCredit group countries like Albania, Macedonia, Moldova, Ukraine, Serbia, Ghana, Congo, Honduras, Nicaragua, Columbia, etc. ProCredit Bank’s employees across Bulgaria bought valuable piece to decorate their own home or to delight a friend while at the same time supported children in need.

Sofia, 4 March 2014
The initiative " Chef for a Day" one year old
In March 2014 we have marked one year since the start of the event "Chef for a Day", intended to show the culinary skills of the ProCredit Bank’s employees while contributing to our common cause – Give a hand.
Among the spring dishes placed on the table in various branches of the country there were excellent polenta with lots of cheese, sweet Hungarian salami, lemon yogurt and orange strudel.
The amount collected from the charity event is BGN 767 , which the Fund directed to the treatment of children.
Keep faith in goodness and be involved!
Together we can change the world for better!

Sofia, 28 February 2014
Charity bazaar of martenitsi for health and hope
Continuing the tradition of millennial Bulgarian martenitsi in the last week of February, we oppened a charity bazaar. The ProCredit Bank’s employees from throughout the country took part by making themselves red and white creations with different shapes and sizes, which brought joy and cheerful mood . They were displayed for sale in order to raise funds for children in need. The proceeds from this year's bazaar of martenitsi , which amounted to BGN 794 , were transferred to the account of the Give a hand.
News Archive 2013

Sofia, 16 December 2013
Ruth Koleva sang in support of "PROtegni raka"
Just before Christmas we saw the second edition of Music ProClub.
Ruth Koleva and its great musicians gave a great charity concert at a metropolitan club in support of the cause "PROtegni raka".
For us the experience was very enjoyable! Your presence gave us joy ! Your empathy warmed our hearts!
That night we felt so much positive energy that forwarded to the smallest - the children of the Fund.
We were able to collect them BGN 2 234 , with which we bought medicines and aids paid rehabilitation.
Thank you for being with us!

Sofia, 1 December 2013
"The Little prince" during the automn season of 2013 brought hope for more children
During the autumn months of 2013 „the Little prince“ played by the ProCredit bank’s employees excited the audience of 11 towns of country. Amongst them these were Pazardjik, Svishtov, Lovech, Chepelare. Smolyan, Asenovgrad, Botevgrad, Kustendil, Kurdjali, Straldja.
One of the most emotional performances it was this played on the Pazardjik theatre’s stage. Before the actors’ appearance, Rumiyana Goergieva one of the child supported by the fund "PROtegni raka" expressed her sincere gratitude.
The funds collected during the autumn season by the travelling theatre "The Little prince", amounting to BGN 10 000 will be directed for treatment and better life of other children in need.

Sofia, 1 April 2013
“Be a cook for one day” - round five
The initiative „Be a cook for one day“ gets already traditional and gathered for 5th time in a row ProCredit bank’s employees supporting Give a hand’s mission to help in treatment of children. The culinary works were thematically linked with the Halloween’s day and therefore there were on the table original dishes such as beans in a pot of pumpkin, a pumpkin stuffed with roast fruits and sweeties with creepy decoration. 
One of our clients expressed his sympathy, making a Halloween cake in his own pastry workshop for the charity event, which were sold for the amount of BGN 95.
Thus by common efforts and led by the desire to help we managed to collect BGN 800 which were donated in favour of children in needs.

Sofia, 1 April 2013
Initiative Music ProClub
At the beginning of July the hall at the Head office of ProCredit bank turned into a stage for musical talents.
The initiative, named Music ProClub, had for an aim to present the young performers Gergana and Denis, who sang and played voluntary for the employees’ cause of "PROtegni raka" supporting children’s treatment.
The funds collected by the guests of this charity musical event amount to BGN 484.
Thank you all for sympathizing and respect for the young participants!

Sofia, 1 April 2013
“Be a cook for one day” - round four
At the height of the summer – on the 1st of July, 2013 г. in ProCredit bank’s branches the 4th edition of the culinary action „Be a cook for one day“ went off. By preparing warm and cold specialties that were proposed and bought from colleagues with charity purpose, the employees again supported the cause of the voluntary fund "PROtegni raka", namely – to help children from socially weak families and orphans, ensuring funds for their treatment and giving hope for a better life.
The amount collected by the event is BGN 461 that were transferred to the Fund’s account.

Sofia, 1 April 2013
“Be a cook for one day” - round three
The first two editions of “Be a cook for one day” gathered a lot of followers for the cause of Give a hand. For the third time in a row the initiative took place on the 1st of April, 2013 with the call the bank’s employees to find the Cook in themselves. On the Day of joke the participants in the culinary activity managed to make their colleague laugh and to try delicious dishes. Moreover they donated funds in aid of children in need. The total amount collected by the compassionate employees from different bank branches amounts of BGN 1 131 which the Fund "PROtegni raka" directed for children’s treatment.

Sofia, 5 March 2013
The second edition of "Charity PRO" initiative "To be a cook for a day" collected more than 800 donations for "PROtegni raka"
The second campaign named „To be a cook for a day“ with the purpose for collecting funds for children’s treatment took place in ProCredit bank branches. More than 30 culinary fans prepared themselves special dishes, which were sold for lunch to their colleagues. The event, which is a part of the employees’ initiative „Charity PRO“ collected the amount of BGN 801,74 that reached Give a hand account on the same day.

Sofia, 4 March 2013
The ProCredit bank’s employees made martenitsi with charity purpose for a year in row
In occasion of 1st of March the The ProCredit bank’s employees and their families made martenitsi themselves and the amount of BGN 431,86 was collected. This initiative is organized for 6th year in row with the purpose for collecting funds for children in need. More than 30 employees and their families not only from Sofia took part in this year’s knitting of martenitsi. They made a variety of the red and white adornments. The collected funds are available on "PROtegni raka" account.

Sofiq, 25 February 2013
The new season of „The Little prince“ get started.
The little hero has a new tour in 2013 throughout the country in order to collect funds for ill children
After a successful season of the performance in 2012, the theatrical company of volunteers starts a new tour throughout the country in order to collect funds for ill children. With the play „The little prince“, written by Antoine de Saint Exupery, the unprofessional actors will visit the scenes of 20 towns in the country.
The tour started in Pravets on the 31st of January in the hall of the school for foreign languages Aleko Konstantinov. The actors played for charity before more than 400 students, teachers and parents.
„The play attended a lot of children from Pravets, Etropole, Botevgrad and the children from the social institution in Razliv village as well. We were happy we gave them the opportunity to touch the magic of the theatre and the Little prince’s experiences. Performing the play, we follow our mission to help collecting funds. At the same time it was a wonderful experience that enriched us. , said Ivaylo Gecher, continuity editor.
On the 20 and 22nd of February the performances took place in Pernik and Gabrovo. The tour in 2013 will visit also other towns like Pomorie, Kustendil, Vidin, Dupnica, Petrich and Sozopol. The actors received invitation to play also in Parvomay, Kurdjali, Smolian, Pazardjik and Kazanluk.
The play will be produced for second time on the Nikolay Binev theatre’s scene on the 11th of April, 2013.

Sofia, 15 February 2013
"To be a Cook for one day" – ProCredit bank’s employees collected funds for "PROtegni raka", preparing tasty dishes
Within a week the employees of ProCredit bank from the branches in Russe, Plovdiv, Haskovo, Sofia, Bourgas, Kazanluk, Stara Zagora, Dobrich, Veliko Tarnovo, Blagoevgrad, Pernik and Varna took part in the initiative „To be a Cook for one day“.
The task for the employees consisted of preparing different hand-made dishes which to be shared with the colleagues who make voluntary donations for the tasty specialties. The collected funds amounting to BGN 1 800 which are already transferred to the account of PROtegni raka.
Amongst 100 culinary temptations, there where a baked crocodile, a salad „Caesar“, incredible lentils, delicious pan cakes, a variety of pastries and „Stefani“ roll, pork meat with vegetables and many, many others.
„To be a Cook for one day“ is just one of the successive initiatives organized by the bank employees in the name of the cause “Give a hand”.
As of the beginning of the year the Fund has helped the treatment of 19 children at the amount of BGN 19 000. The good news is that the rehabilitation procedures and aids such as set up straight devices, therapeutic chairs and wheel chairs improve life of 19 children and their families!

Pazardjik, 30 January 2013
The children from „Reainbow“ and „Kalina Malina“ kindergartens in Pazardjik help to children in need
An unique charity event for helping children in need the children from „Reainbow“ and „Kalina Malina“ kindergartens in Pazardjik organized in collaboration with the local Youth parliament. They sold cards made by themselves. The amount from the auction which is BGN 109.08 was transferred to Give a hand account. The children made a wish to all ill children to get better faster!
The Fund’s volunteers express their gratitude to all children participated in the campaign and to the representatives of the local Youth parliament in Pazardjik as well.
News Archive 2012

Sofia, 20th of August 2012
Over 2300 viewers were gathered by the charity event “The Little Prince” in Varna
More than 2,300 spectators gathered in the Summer Theatre of the seaside capital in order to watch the charity play of the actors of the “PROtegni raka” travelling theatre. With the show the volunteers raised more than BGN 23 000 of donations which were trasferred directly to the fund’s account with the objective of helping the treatment of children in difficult social positions.
“We would like to thank everyone who supported our cause and came to watch the show in Varna. We hope that we managed to connect with the audience, which supported us and encouraged us the whole time. We are putting a lot of time and energy into what we are doing and we receive pleasure from the thought that our efforts will bring happiness and serenity to a lot of children and their parents”, said Diana Novakova who is playing the main part in the play.
After Varna, in September, the troupe will play “The Little Prince” in Ruse and Sofia. Looking forward to see you at the shows!

Sofia, 13th of June 2012
Over 50,000 levs of revenue after the first shows of "The Little Prince" of the "PROtegni raka" travelling theatre
Over BGN 50 000 are the revenues after the first six shows of the charity play "The Little Prince" of the "PROtegni raka' travelling theatre. Over the last month the troupe has visited the scenes of the community centre "Slavyanska beseda", the Youth theatre and the Sofia Opera and Ballet in Sofia, the Ancient theatre in Plovdiv and the theatres in Blagoevgrad and Haskovo.
The shows enjoyed great interest and were watched by more than 5 200 people, the largest audience being in the old town of Plovdiv on the 6th of June.
"It was an incredible and exciting show. I was surprised by how well the bank employees played their parts and by their performance in general, they were as good as professional actors. The initiative is truly amazing and I am glad that when I came to watch the show tonight I, too, supported this so very noble cause – treatment of ill children.", said Ivelina Iliva, a citizen of Plovdiv, after the show.
During the month of May eighteen employees of ProCredit Bank organized a unique charity initiative by starting a travelling theatre whose objective was to raise funds and help the treatment and medication of children with health problems. The troupe presented the play “The Little Prince” by Antoine De Saint-Exupery and with its travelling show has been gathering donations for the non-profit organization “PROtegni raka”, which since 2004 has been helping financially the medication of children in difficulties from socially weak families or orphans.
"The Little Prince" of the travelling enthusiast-amateurs can be watched on the 20th of June in Burgas, on the 3rd of July in Stara Zagora, on the 12th of July in Nesebar and on the 14th of August in Varna. The play will also tour the theater stages in Ruse, Razgrad, Shumen, Pleven, Veliko Tarnovo, Vratsa and Montana in the autumn.
Anyone who wishes can support the cause of the troupe by visiting one of the shows and make donations to help the fund’s activities. Invitations can be found in all branches of ProCredit Bank in the towns where the troupe is visiting. The funds raised during the shows are transferred directly into the account of "PROtegni raka".

Troyan, 17th of April 2012
Kids help the kids from "PROtegni raka"
Students from the art class of the primary school “St. Kliment Ohridski” in the town of Troyan showed their skill at painting Easter eggs in the noblest of ways – with the purpose of helping children in difficulties.
They decorated ceramic eggs, which they sold afterwards on Easter Holiday in the ProCredit Bank Branch in Troyan. The money raised was deposited in the account of “PROtegni raka” for the medications of ill children from socially weak families.
BGN 70 in total were raised from the charity event. The employees of the bank organize regular fundraising campaigns, many of which have become traditional annual initatives. Up to this moment the employees of the bank have helped over 1 620 children from all over the country.

Sofia, 4 March 2012
The ProCredit bank employees collected funds for "PROtegni raka" with martenitsi they have made
For a year in a row, in occasion of the 1th of March, the employees from the Head office of the Bank organized a campaign for collecting funds for „Give a hand”. More than 30 employees and their families take part in the initiative by creating hand-made martenitsi. About 500 of them were manufactured in order to be sold and thus to be collected additional funds for children suffering from different diseases. After selling BGN 373.76 were received on Fund’s account.
„I love making martenitsi. Every year, together with my mother and father, we make martenitsi for all the children to be healthy.”, 6-year old Darina from Sofia shares her experience.
Every year "PROtegni raka" helps with funds for medicines, operative and rehabilitation treatment of more than 300 sick children from families in the lowest income bracket as well as orphans . The Fund collects funds from the monthly installments of the employees of the bank and also from one-off donations. The employees regularly organize different campaigns and initiatives for collecting of additional amounts.

Sofia, 20 February 2012
New campaign for raising funds brought the amount of BGN 5300 for "PROtegni raka"
the ProCredit bank’s employees organized in the beginning of February a new campaign for raising funds for "PROtegni raka". 5000 magnets with the "PROtegni raka" logo each of them for the amount of one lev were sold in the branches of the Bank. The campaign stimulated the donators to give more and BGN 5 300 were received on Fund’s account for the treatment of sick children.
The volunteers from "PROtegni raka" express their special gratitude to all donators and supporters of the campaign and in particular to: Mr. Emil Dimitrov
Mr. Dilian Todorov
Mr. Valeri Yotov
Mrs. Mita Cvetkova
Mr. Petar Danchev
„Maria Kavalska” Sole trader
Mrs. Dessislava Ivanova
Betonstroy Ltd.
Svetla Simeonova 2009 Ltd.
News Archive 2011

Sofia, 7 December 2011
BGN 585.40 had been received at "PROtegni raka" after „The big eating contest”
In an untraditional way the employees of ProCredit bank celebrated the Day of St. Nikola and the Banker’s holiday. Every year, in honour of the protector of tradesmen and bankers, many employees from Bank`s offices in Sofia who are keen on the culinary art prepare their favourite dishes, and sell them with charity purpose. This year the amount collected from „The big eating contest” was transferred to the Fund "PROtegni raka" account.
BGN 585.40 were collected from the dishes sold, and more than 10 participants in the event prepared traditional Bulgarian recipes like filled with rice peppers, salad „3 colors” and leek pastry. There were also Italian lasagna, Turkish pastry with olives and American almond muffins. A unique Japanese sushi collected BGN 44 for the Fund account. It was prepared from an employee of Drujba branch. The funds collected from the traditional event will be used for treatment of sick children descended from families in the lowest income bracket. In addition to that kind of events, "PROtegni raka" raise funds from the regular donations of employees, clients and partners of the Bank.

Sofia, 26 july 2011
PROtegni Raka Helped 166 Kids from the Beginning of the Year
166 children have been supported financially for treatment, rehabilitation, medical examinations and surgeries from the beginning of the year till the end of June. Cases of sick children that have been financed from the charity fund have increased by 44 in comparison to the first half of last 2010. PROtegni Raka then disbursed funds to 122 kids from all around Bulgaria.
The amount available in the fund’s accounts as at the end of June this year is little over BGN 80 190, as the greater part of it comes from the regular installments of ProCredit Bank employees. Another significant contribution to the monthly receipts in "PROtegni raka" has the donations made by clients of the bank and one-time employees’ installments.
For the first half of the year to 166 kids, the charity fund had disbursed the total amount of BGN 72,779.07. Everyone who wants can contribute to the fond in its accounts in BGN or EUR.
The fund’s bank accounts are:
in BGN - BG05PRCB92301007092910,
in EUR - BG46PRCB92301407092915,
ProCredit Bank (Bulgaria) AD, BIC: PRCBBGSF.
News Archive 2010

Sofia, 8 December 2010
New Kids’ Book Gives Hope to the Children of "PROtegni Raka"
Since the beginning of December, in exchange for a recommended donation of only BGN 1, all branches of ProCredit Bank are distributing the kids’ book “Draw, cut and take care of your money”. This charitable campaign is organised to help raising funds for “PROtegni Raka”, as amounts collected from the distribution of the book will be transferred directly to the fund’s account.
The book is printed in 4 000 copies. It is a wonderful gift for children, which each of us can afford to make at Christmas and New Year's Eve and by doing so to help for medical treatment of a sick child.
As of the beginning of the year until the end of November, “PROtegni Raka” has helped for the medical treatment of 223 children from all over the country. In November, around 1,120 employees of the bank volunteered to the fund by donating funds through their monthly salaries.
The book is published with the kind support of the following companies from Stara Zagora: Bul-B EOOD, Tagemal OOD, Mlechen Svyat 2003 OOD, Logistic BG OOD, BIM OOD, ET Chorbadzhiyski-DImo Dimov, Framar OOD, Agro Foods OOD, Graal EOOD and TDG Printing House, which actually doubled the number of copies on its own expense.
Please, give your support to the new campaign of “PROtegni Raka”! Make a gift, give a hope!
News Archive 2009

Burgas, 12 December 2009
Employees of ProCredit Bank Burgas held a charity open auction
The employees of one of ProCredit Bank branches in Burgas held a charity auction aiming to raise money for the ”PROtegni raka Fund”.
It was an open auction so each bidder could bid until only one bidder is ready to pay a certain amount for a product. Each good had its own start price from 1 to 10 leva according to the concrete object.
Different goods owned by previous branch managers could be bought at the auction. Among them the following could be fuond: a mouse padding, a branded mug padding, a keyholder, a pencil stand, a luxurous liquor box, a puzzle and domino game, card holders, organizer and different souvenirs – two elephant statuettes from Ghana, a statuette of the Great Chinese wall from China, a wooden dracon, etc.
The total amount of the money that was raised by the end of the auction was BGN 330, which were transfered to the „PROtegni raka”fund account.

Sofia, 7 December 2009
The “Catalogue with Presents for Close Friends and Relatives” Initiative Gathered BGN 318.80 for the Purpose of Give Your Hand
The “Catalogue with Presents for Close Friends and Relatives” initiative for gathering resources for the "PROtegni raka" charity fund undertaken by the employees of ProCredit Bank in November was completed.
During a period of one week the employees had the opportunity to choose a Christmas gift for their close friends and relatives from a specially created catalogue. Among the proposals there were tailor made mugs, stamped T-shirts, candles in different sizes, Christmas decoration, practical gifts for men for example instruments, fold up spades, etc.
The prices of these gifts were similar to those you could find in the normal shops. But here the trade surplus charge was separated and after the end of the initiative the sum was BGN 318.80. This amount was transferred to the "PROtegni raka" fund account.
“Catalogue with Presents for Close Friends and Relatives” was a consecutive initiative which the ProCredit Bank employees organize aiming to raise money for the "PROtegni raka" fund.

Sofia, 26th of August, 2009
Over 210 leva were received by “PRotegni raka” just for the seven days since the start of the campaign “The Kitchen of ProCredit”.
The campaign goes on while supplies of the culinary book last.
Since the 19th of August in the branches of ProCredit Bank all over the country has started the final campaign for gathering funds for the non-profit association “PROtegni raka” from the sale of the culinary book “The Kitchen of ProCredit”, published by the employees of the bank for charitable purpose.
From the start of the campaign up to this moment the volunteers have sold 14 books and have transferred into the fund over BGN 210. Their goal is to sell the entire amount of books remaining by the end of this campaign. This way they will collect the sum needed to help the treatment of at least 6 children via the fund.
The book “In the Kitchen of ProCredit (the Memories and Dreams with which we feed)” is distributed with a price of 15 leva as well as a gift set along with a photo album priced at BGN 30. The funds gathered from the book go directly into the account of “PROtegni raka” and the costs regarding the publishing and printing are covered entirely by the volunteers from the fund in order to gain the maximum effect of the campaign.
Anyone who wishes may join our initiative and support the activities of "PROtegni raka" by buying the book. Orders are accepted on: 02/ 8135132 – Vania Nikolaeva or in the closest to you branch of ProCredit Bank (Bulgaria) Plc., www.procreditbank.bg.

Nessebar, 13 May 2009
More than BGN 220 Have Been Deposited into “PROtegni Raka”’s Account after a Charity Initiative of Nessebar’s “Kalina Malina” Kindergarten
Easter eve employees of ProCredit Bank’s branch in Nessebar organized a charity initiative together with the children of “Kalina Malina”’s Kindergarten and their parents. The kids had the opportunity to color and decorate plaster Easter eggs, which then could be sold in the office of the financial institution.
With lots of wish and efforts children, aged 4 and 5, of two kids’ grades participated willingly in the initiative. Their diligence have been greater when they knew they pieces of art would help other sick children, who needed medicines and medical treatment.
For a month period, all Easter eggs have been shown on a special place in the bank’s branch, so that everybody who wanted could donate by buying them.
The amount that have been collected after the auction and donated into the “PROtegni raka”’s account was BGN 220.32.
Varna, 4 April 2009
”The day of the alms-giving cooking” in Varna has collected over BGN 540 for ”PROtegni raka”
On the 17th of April in the central branch of ProCredit Bank (Bulgaria) AD in Varna the servants of the Bank organized special alms-giving event for accumulating of resources of the fund ”PROtegni raka”. In ”The day of the alms-giving cooking” cooking-lovers sold out their home prepared meals to the gastronomes that had gathered, and the money from their selling have been transferred on the account of the fund.
More than 40 ”cookers” had produced their cooking abilities, and their productions was sold out for lunch. Exactly BGN 541.62 was gathered by the participators in the alms-giving initiative. The money had been transferred on the account of ”PROtegni raka”.
Sofia, 4 March 2009
Over BGN 670 were Collected for “PROtegni Raka” by the Charity Sale of Martenitsi
BGN 672.58 was collected from this year charity sale of martenitsi, which started in mid February. In this traditional charity action, employees of ProCredit Bank's head office and Sofia 1 Branch were selling their own hand made martenitsi. The amount was deposited into “PROtegni Raka” fund’s account.
Sofia, 20 January 2009
Charity Sale of Author’s Photographs Gathered BGN 850 for “PROtegni raka”
Exactly BGN 850 was gathered for the “PROtegni raka” fund after a donation activity – sales of reporting and art photographs. The idea for the charity sale belongs to the authors of the photographs - Verginiya Petrova, Georgi Yanakiev, Dimitar Petkov and Svetlin Ganev, who worked in the ProCredit Banks in Congo and Mozambique during last year.
Over 50 photos of the exotic African countries could be bought through the improvised virtual photo exhibition. 85 pictures were bought at a price of BGN 10 each. The most preferred photos were those of the Victoria waterfall and the picturesque bays of Mozambique’s seaside.
We are happy that the virtual photo exhibition provoked such an interest and most of all that it gathered that amount for the “PROtegni raka” charity fund.
News Archive 2008

Plovdiv, 25 October 2008
ProCredit Bank’s branches in Plovdiv collected 367 BGN from a football tournament for the treatment of ill children
A charity football tournament was organized by ProCredit Bank’s employees in Plovdiv on 25 October. The Bank’s employees from Plovdiv and Haskovo challenged all fans of the active sport to play with ProCredit Bank’s teams at the football playgrounds of “Vekta” complex. Nine teams were formed by ProCredit Bank’s employees and customers who played on the basis of direct elimination.
The first and the second place were taken by teams of Bank’s customers, and ProCredit Bank’s team from Haskovo won the third place, but it granted the trophy to the forth team, which was also formed by ProCredit Bank’s customers.
Within a few hours BGN 367 was collected and deposited directly into the account of “PROtegni raka” - a non-profit association. The money will be used for the treatment of ill children from socially disadvantaged families or orphans.

4 May 2008
More than 8 000 BGN were gathered during the 6th football tournament for "PROtegni raka" cup
6th football tournament for the cup of the charity fund “PROtegni raka” took place in Primorsko from 1st till 4th of May 2008. The purpose of the tournament was to raise funds for “PROtegni raka” and it was organized by ProCredit Bank officers. More than BGN 8 000 were collected both by bank officers and guests.
The football matches were played in two days. 11 ProCredit Bank teams took part. They were formed by officers from different towns where ProCredit Bank has branches: “Byas” (Burgas, Yambol and Sliven), „HO” (Sofia), „Varna”, „ProLease”, „Zara Boys” (Stara Zagora), „Plovdiv”, „Sofia-Branches”, Red Cows United(the “Agro lending” Department team), and the debutants – „North”, „Selesao” (Haskovо), „South-West”. 29 matches were played and more than 150 goals were scored. The total number of participants and guests was about 450. “Varna” and “HO” teams played an exciting final match which ended 4:1.
The cup was personally handed by the Mayer of Primorsko – Mrs. Lilyana Dimova, who officially invited ProCredit Bank to be Primorsko’s guest in similar events

4 March 2008
More than 700 BGN were collected for the charity fund “PROtegni raka” by selling martenitzi
This is the forth year when ProCreditBank employees organize a campaign to raise fundsby selling hand-made martenizi. The campaign was organized by “Administration” Department officers as the preparation started in the middle of February. As a result on 4 March the collected sum amounted BGN 708,35. The amount was deposited in “PROtegni raka” account.

16 February 2008
Charity football game
On 16.02.2008, in sport hall „Spartak” in Haskovo a friendly football game between ProCredit Bank’s gathered teams “Haskovo-Dimitrovgrad” and “Burgas-Yambol-Sliven” took place, which purpose was to raise funds for charity fund “PROtegni raka”.
The donations, gathered by the participants and the sponsors, were deposited in the Fund’s account, which finances the treatment of ill children from poor families or orphans. The participants and guests of the game collected more than BGN 300 for the Fund’s children.
The game, which ended with the victory of “Haskovo-Dimitrovgrad” team, was part of the preparation of these two teams for the spring tournament “PROtegni raka”, which takes place twice a year for the purpose of charity.

15 January 2008
„In the kitchen of ProCredit” – the new charity initiative for raising funds
In January ProCredit Bank’s employees issued a unique cooking book. It is a new initiative of the donators in charity fund “PROtegni raka”, which aims at raising additional funds for the treatment of ill children from poor families.
The book is called “In the kitchen of ProCredit” and comprises recipes as well as personal stories, told by employees. These are stories, related to a period or unique event, carrying optimism and joy of the world around us. This is a book for the memories and dreams that make us go on.
The initiative “In the kitchen of ProCredit” belongs to the participants in the Fund. The recipes and stories of ProCredit bank’s employees, told in an irregular way, are an interesting present for everyone and at the same time unique way to raise funds in favor of the charity fund “PROtegni raka”. A photo album has been issued by ProCredit bank’s employees in addition, which reveals special moments from the creation of the book.
„In the kitchen of ProCredit” and the photo album can be found in all ProCredit bank branches. Everyone who buys the book (15 BGN) and/or the album (15 BGN) donates the money directly to the fund „ PROtegni raka”.
News Archive 2006

25 September 2006
Donations amounting to more than EUR 10,000 have been received from Sponsors and Participants at the Football Tournament for the Cup of “PROtegni Ruka” Charity Fund
On 22 and 23 September 2006, the IV Football Tournament for the PROtegni Ruka Cup took place in Obzor. PROtegni Ruka is an organization established in 2004 by the employees of ProCredit Bank. The mission of the organization is to support the medical treatment of orphans and sick children originating from socially weak families.
The bank’s employees regularly organize additional charity campaigns to raise funds and one of them is the Football Tournament for the PROtegni Ruka Cup, whose fourth competition this time was international. Apart from Bulgaria, the other teams that took part in the tournament under the title of “Weplayfair” were ProCredit Bank teams from eight more countries: Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia, Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Romania and Serbia. More than 450 people took part organized in 20 teams, and of course a great number of fans.
The tournament was held in two consecutive days at the stadium in the centre of Obzor. On 22 September the matches in the groups were played, which classified the teams for the finals held on 23 September. After a contested fight in the final between ProCredit Kosovo – Prishtina and ProCredit Georgia, within the regular time the match was a draw 1:1, and during the extra-time after penalty kicks with 4:1 goals, the PROtegni Ruka Cup was won by the Georgian team. The charity cause of the tournament was supported by Emil Kostadinov and Trifon Ivanov who came with the special purpose to give the cup and the medals to the winners. The special cup “Weplayfair” for sportsmanlike play, the national players gave to the combined team of the ProCredit branches in Burgas, Yambol and Sliven.
Thanks to the participants from all countries and the charity of the tournament’s sponsors, the football initiative contributed over EUR 10,000 to the fund, which were directly deposited into account of the organization and will be used to support the medical treatment of sick children from socially weak families and orphans.

Sofia, 16 January 2006
Charity exhibition
On 16.01.2006 in ProCredit Bank Nadejda Branch it was laid the foundation of a unique initiative for the bank aiming to support the collection of additional funds for PROtegni Raka. An exhibition of the painter Krassimir Nedyalkov was arranged in the branch. The exhibition is accessible for everyone who is interested. 30% of the amount of the pictures will be provided to the fund of "PROtegni raka".
We invite everybody who would like to see and… to buy a beautiful painting!
News Archive 2005

Sliven, 27 November 2005
Funds donated by the participants to PROtegni Raka Charity Fund – BGN 231.50
On 26 and 27 November, in the town of Sliven, the second football tournament for the PROtegni Raka cup was carried out. The participants were 8 teams, a total number of over 70 people, representatives of ProCredit Bank and ProLease from the whole country. After a contested fight, the winner was the ProLease team. The tournament cup was awarded to the winners by Mr. Petar Slavov in person!
Congratulations to the winners!
All participants made donations to PROtegni Raka Fund, and the raised funds will be used to help sick children from socially weak families or with no families!

Sofia, 8 April 2005
On 8 April 2005 at the Head Office of the Bank, located at 131, Hristo Botev Blvd., a feast took place on the occasion of moving of the administrative departments to the new, renovated part of the bank’s building.
This occasion was also used for raising funds in favour of the charity fund of the employees of ProCredit Bank called “PROtegni Raka”. A lottery was carried out selling tickets, and the collected amount of BGN 456.20 was deposited in the Fund’s account. The main assistant in drawing the winning tickets was Arif – one of the children whom PROtegni Raka has already helped

Sofia, 1 March 2005
On 1 March, the active members of the "PROtegni raka" Charity Fund organized making of martenitsi by employees and their children and the sale of those martenitsi among their colleagues from the bank. This happening brought BGN 165 for the PROtegni Raka Fund as well as the spontaneous desire of a client of the Bank to take part in it by donating BGN 100.
We would like to thank all participants in the event – both the masters of martenitsi, and the generous buyers!
News Archive 2004

Sofia, 6 December 2004
Charity initiative - the big eating competition
On the occasion of Nikulden (St. Nicholas Day), the day of fishermen and bankers in Bulgaria, the employees of the Sofia Branch and the Head Office of ProCredit Bank organized lunch for the purpose of raising funds for the Fund. The bankers proved themselves to be excellent cooks and took care for the delicious feast of their colleagues. More than BGN 450 was collected for the "PROtegni raka" Fund by this event.